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Basile, LA 70515|MLS #SWL23000886
Alfa Romeo Road

Welcome to Basile Louisiana..

This property is a working ranch containing 927 acres. Approximately 1/2 of the ranch is cleared & the remainder is wooded. While the current owner utilizes the cleared pastures for raising beef & the hardwoods, bottoms & pine thickets for recreational hunting.
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There is a great road system throughout the property consisting of approximately 7 miles, giving easy access to entire 927 acres. Lots of plateaus and rolling hills with a 30 foot elevation change through the ranch & property is fenced & crossed fenced.
The entire ranch is home to a diverse wildlife population which include the elusive whitetail deer, feral hogs, squirrel, rabbit, various species of ducks, coyotes, & bobcats.
West property line consist of approximately 1.5 miles of water frontage along Bayou Nezpique offering live water year around. The bayou acres yield outstanding duck, squirrel, rabbit & deer hunting.
Wide open spaces await endless possibilities. Recreational hunting for any sportsman to enjoy. Its paradise for any man or his four-legged sidekick.
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Take man's best friend exploring in these endless acres of rolling hills and creeks for countless varieties of wildlife hunting.
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Reasonably priced..

At $3.200/acre this is a very rare find and resembles land in North Louisiana and the rolling hills of west Texas.
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Robert Denison
Independently owned and operated.
Robert Denison
Independently owned and operated.
12836 Hwy 171, Longville, LA 70652